Monday, February 23, 2009

One more down, one more to go...

Well, I made it through another semester.  This one was a little more laid back than last semester, which was nice.  I did learn ALOT through this whole semester.  Mostly, how to use Flash throughout a website and now I'm not as afraid of it as I used to be.  I also learned alot about type/text, so I hope to carry all of this with me when I enter into the "real world".  

In this last semester, I created a portfolio to share with potential employers or customers that may be interested in what I do.  I'm very proud of the work I put into this and how it all turned out.  If you have a chance, go check out my portfolio.  

This next semester I'm not too thrilled about.  I'm not all about writing papers and reading literature that I'm not really interested in.  So, we'll see how it goes.  Cross your fingers, because this is my last semester and I will be done in May!  (which also happens to be around the same time as my birthday, so double score!)

More to come soon!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's Over!!


As of today, I am done with one of the most challenging semesters I think I've ever had! And I'm glad to say that I survived it all. My PHP class was one of the toughest classes that I've ever had to take and I think I passed with flying colors!

I gave a presentation today to BoysTown, and it was pretty nerve-wracking at first, but I think overall it went pretty smoothly. I get so nervous when I talk in front of people, especially big wigs like we had there! But it was good experience, and I'm just glad I survived it all. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Crunch Time

Well, there are exactly two weeks left for this semester. Time has really flown by, which is great! There is so much to get done between now and November....whatever two weeks from now would be. :) Just gotta keep my head in the books (or in my case, computer) to get all of this done.

Last weekend was Halloween, which was a blast! There was a down-side to it though. I bought 30 dollars worth of candy to feed the little nuggets, and I had zero trick-or-treaters come by. Apparently my 4 plex area is not a big hit with the trick-or-treaters. Luckily, my friend came over and he said that his house was probably a better location. So, we went over there and knocked out half of the bowl (not us, but the trick or treaters that came by). I did have a few pieces here and there.

Then on Saturday, I dressed up as a jack in the box for a Halloween party. I made the box myself, and I was proud! I don't think I will ever wear a box again though. Too awkward to move around in, but it looked sweet!

Oh, and I also have a new tattoo, yay! I love it. Pics to come later.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well after a few hectic weeks, things seem like they are slowing down just a little.  Over the weekend I actually had NO homework to work on so it was nice to just relax and take it easy.  I had my little brothers over to stay the night with me while my dad and stepmom packed up the other house since they are getting to move in this coming weekend.  I expect things will start to pick up again as we come to a close on this fall term.  I'm a little nervous about presenting our Boys Town layouts to 20 people though!  It's kind of a big deal!  But I'll be glad to get the experience!

Other news, my grandparent's 65th wedding anniversary was a few weeks ago.  It's crazy to think of staying with one person for that long!  You don't hear much of that these days, which is really sad but true.  They're still going strong, and I love them both.  

Anyways, I guess that is it for now.  I'll try to be more on top of this blog in the future.  :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How Much Longer?!

School is kicking my butt this year and I'm not sure if it's because they switched to the 12 week program, or if it is the senioritus kicking in way early?  Probably a little bit of both, but isn't all that fun this year.  I think the worst class I have this year will be PHP Scripting, because who really wants to learn all of this coding??  I certainly don't...

One of the classes that I'm most excited about is my Web Design 3 class because we are doing a project for Boys Town that focuses on their hotline.  Boys Town came to our class to ask for help in creating a website that teenagers could come to for help, and a place where we could direct them to their hotline for help.  It's projects like these (in class or in the real world) that make the job you do so worth every stressful situation or frustration all for the chance to save someone's LIFE by creating a website that they can go to which will help them deal with their environment that they live in.  

I may complain sometimes about the workload that school gives me, but in the's all worth the headaches because it makes it THAT much more rewarding when it's all said and done.

That's my preaching lesson for the day.  Thanks for reading!  :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Alright, the blog section has been moving and going funky on me, but I think I got it all straightened out now! Anyways, WELCOME! This is my blog site, so I hope you enjoy my blog posts and the pictures that come around in the future. This is actually a requirement that I do this blogging business, but when the class is over I will try to continue to use this.

I'm just going to share that I went on a run tonight outside thinking I could beat the torrential downpour and I definitely lost. I ran home as fast as I could (which was quite a ways away!) and found myself swimming in a few puddles along the way. Anyways, I got home, took a picture of my soaked self, so I'll go ahead and post it for you viewers to enjoy and I want to make sure the images look right on my page. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mic check 1, 2

I'm just testing this out to see what it looks like....