Monday, November 3, 2008

Crunch Time

Well, there are exactly two weeks left for this semester. Time has really flown by, which is great! There is so much to get done between now and November....whatever two weeks from now would be. :) Just gotta keep my head in the books (or in my case, computer) to get all of this done.

Last weekend was Halloween, which was a blast! There was a down-side to it though. I bought 30 dollars worth of candy to feed the little nuggets, and I had zero trick-or-treaters come by. Apparently my 4 plex area is not a big hit with the trick-or-treaters. Luckily, my friend came over and he said that his house was probably a better location. So, we went over there and knocked out half of the bowl (not us, but the trick or treaters that came by). I did have a few pieces here and there.

Then on Saturday, I dressed up as a jack in the box for a Halloween party. I made the box myself, and I was proud! I don't think I will ever wear a box again though. Too awkward to move around in, but it looked sweet!

Oh, and I also have a new tattoo, yay! I love it. Pics to come later.

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